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Childcare and schools

Most Danish children of school age attend the municipal school nearest to their home. There are 12 municipal schools in Frederiksberg.


    Most Danish children of school age attend the municipal school nearest to their home. There are 12 municipal schools in Frederiksberg.

    In general, children start school in the calendar year of their sixth birthday. Your child will usually attend the school nearest your home. However, if there are places available in other schools, you have the option to choose another school.

    If you would like your children to attend a Danish private school, including one of Frederiksberg’s international schools, you should contact the Department of Schools.

    After-school childcare
    There are a number of childcare options after school hours. Most schools have an after-school “club” for children, where they can go after regular school hours. After-school childcare facilities are typically located at or near the school your child is attending.

    You have to sign up and pay for after-school childcare. Contact your child’s school for assistance.

    Applying for childcare
    It is your responsibility to contact “Pladsanvisningen” at the municipality to sign your child up for a place at a daycare centre, kindergarten or school. If the Municipality is unable to give you a place immediately, your child's name will be put on a waiting list. The earlier you sign up your child's name, the greater your chance of finding a place when you need it, but you cannot register before your child has received his or hers CPR number.

    Please note that you can only sign up your child digitally - to log in you need a NemID/MitID. You also have to live in the Municipality of Frederiksberg to sign up your child. You can read more about how to do this below.

    Child benefits
    When working in Denmark, families with children are eligible for receiving child benefits. If your child does not live in Denmark, you have to apply for the benefit yourself.

    Children under the age of 18 are automatically registered for child benefits and their families receive child allowance every 3 months. You can read more on the web page Life in Denmark.